October 21, 2021
By: Rob Knecht, Chair, UEP Government Relations Committee, Glenn Hickman and Tim Schipper, Co-Chairs, UEP Government Affairs Taskforce
Thanks to many contributors, the EGGPAC campaign is now at 82% of the goal. Just $23,000 is needed to reach the $125,000 target set for our industry.
As we near the end of 2021, it’s an excellent time to make a strong commitment to EGGPAC for 2022.
Click here to set up monthly or one-time contributions by credit card or bank withdrawal.
The EGGPAC Contribution Form is available for donations by check.
Whether you’re a UEP member, UEA Further Processor member, UEA Allied member, state egg association or other valued partner – EGGPAC is likely more important than you realize.
Thank you for your generosity as together, we raise our voices in Washington, D.C.
For video, photos and other resources, view Resources.
For media inquiries or
interview requests, contact Hinda Mitchell.