April 26, 2018

Recently the American Egg Board (AEB) commissioned a survey to measure consumers’ attitudes towards egg safety and awareness of the egg recall.
- Online survey of 1,078 nationally representative Americans.
- Survey fielded on April 19, 2018, by YouGov, on behalf of AEB.
- Margin of error is +/-3%.
- Many Americans (42%) have seen egg news recently, and most of those say it was about a recall.
- Most Americans (78%) agree that eggs are a safe food to eat. Those who have seen recall news are just as likely to agree (79%).
- Nearly all Americans (85%) agree that it’s important to cook eggs properly for safety. Those who have seen the recall news are more likely to agree (91%).
- Some Americans are concerned about the safety of eggs they eat (39% agree), but nearly as many are not concerned (34%).
- Those exposed to recall media are more likely to agree they are concerned (46%).
- Many Americans have seen news about the egg recall, but overall it does not appear to have a huge impact on concerns about eggs.
- The importance of cooking eggs properly is well known, and those who are aware of the recall are more likely to agree — indicating they understand that they can help keep themselves safe.