March 26, 2020
The question of bulk egg sales on flats at retail has been a topic of conversation due to the fear of a potential carton shortage. Unfortunately, due to state egg laws and regulations, each state’s requirements may be different. UEP encourages members to reach out to their state associations, farm bureaus, legal counsel and state regulatory agencies to determine if this is allowed and the regulations required if this becomes a necessary option in the near future.
Through notification from state executives and conversations with some state regulators, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, North Carolina, and South Carolina are identified as allowing the bulk sale of flats at retail if certain labeling placard information is also displayed. UEP staff is developing a list of states where bulk egg sales are permitted and will post this information on the COVID-19 Resource page when available.
For video, photos and other resources, view Resources.
For media inquiries or
interview requests, contact Hinda Mitchell.