Garrison Visits New FSNS Lab

March 8, 2018

Food Safety Net Services (FSNS) has opened its most recent, state-of-the-art analytical laboratory for the food and consumables industry in the Atlanta area.  FSNS can conduct all microbiological tests, plus allergen detection, wet chemistry and product evaluation for the food industry. Within the laboratory is a 50-seat theater for FSNS education classes, training and UEP member use.

FSNS is one of UEP’s preferred vendors and has been a partner since 2010.  Oscar Garrison, UEP VP of Food Safety Regulatory Affairs, recently toured the new lab and met with Jeff Carpenter, SVP for Strategic Alliances.  “UEP values this partnership and the services FSNS brings to the egg industry,” said Garrison.


In addition to the new lab in Atlanta, FSNS has grown to an ISO-accredited network of 14 laboratories throughout the United States. By the end of next year, FSNS will have 18 laboratories strategically placed to assist any outsourced poultry drag swab, feed or environmental testing needs.