October 4, 2018
Greg Ibach, Under Secretary for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Marketing and Regulatory Programs, announced USDA’s four goals in “USDA Outlines Next Steps for Advancing Animal Disease Traceability.”
Researchers at the University of Tennessee and Kansas State University are asking producers to participate in a survey about on-farm biosecurity practices. “Producer survey seeks biosecurity, indemnity opinions,” provides a sample of the survey questions and more information from WattAg.
“On eve of genetic disclosures on food, public is mostly confused,” summarizes data from a consumer survey about GMO’s as USDA prepares to issue final bioengineered food disclosure labeling standards from Food Safety News.
“Technology is changing how we care for livestock,” describes the latest technology being developed to enhance efficiency and improve animal care from the Animal Ag Alliance blog.
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interview requests, contact Hinda Mitchell.