Industry news 2/20/20

February 20, 2020

UEP President Chad Gregory is quoted in “Meeting cage-free commitments impossible for egg producers,” from Feedstuffs. Companies continue to pledge cage-free with Hershey expanding its commitment across its global supply chain by 2025 and MGM Resorts committing to global cage-free sourcing by 2030.

The Center for Food Safety and the FDA have settled their lawsuit over food testing in “FDA promises laboratory accreditation program by 2022,” from Food Safety News.

FDA issues final draft guidance to help businesses find and eliminate tampering,” focuses on dealing with intentional food contamination.

Brashears begins her second year as deputy undersecretary with new plan for FSIS,” describes the three parts of Brashears’ FSIS 2020 Vision.

More avian flu outbreaks in Asian, German poultry,” provides an update on HPAI, which is now also suspected in Scotland, from WattAg.

Researchers from EPIX Analytics question the finding of the EAT-Lancet report issued last year in “The EAT-Lancet Commission's Dietary Composition May Not Prevent Noncommunicable Disease Mortality,” published in The Journal of Nutrition.

On Thursday, February 27, at 2:30 PM EST USDA/APHIS will be hosting a free webinar titled, “Defend your Flock from Poultry Disease: Know the Signs & How to Respond.” Learn from USDA/APHIS vets and state poultry experts about preventing poultry disease.