Industry News 4/9/20

April 9, 2020

U.S. poultry industry fulfilling its role as ‘essential’ during crisis,” quotes UEP CEO Chad Gregory and the leaders of other poultry organizations from Poultry Times.

USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service extended the comment period to May 22 in “Comments on Salmonella as adulterant petition will be accepted for 60 more days,” from Food Safety News.


UEP PR Consultant Hinda Mitchell explains “How to talk to essential employees during COVID-19 crisis,” published in Feedstuffs and other ag media.

Rembrandt Foods to close plant in Neosho, Missouri,” was published in WattAg.

CEAM announced IPA will handle association management, communications, and member management in “Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota (CEAM) Enlists Iowa Poultry Association (IPA) to Perform Association Management.”

USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) recent announcements include “USDA Proposes National List of Reportable Animal Diseases.”

On March 30, “APHIS Announces Consultation Board to Assist with Implementing National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program.” The board includes Dr. Denise Heard from USPOULTRY.

APHIS Leadership Signs Poultry Regionalization Agreement with China,” announced March 26, is part of the Phase One Economic and Trade Agreement.

Hickman Family Farms is temporarily housing inmate labor to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in “Hickman’s finds creative way to keep inmate labor,” from WattAg.

Michigan Emergency Operations Center and the Ionia County Sheriffs are the recipients of 10,500 masks in “Herbruck’s to donate N95 masks,” published in the Grand Rapids Business Journal.