May 20, 2021
“FDA sets plan in motion to resume facility inspections,” from Food Business News.
“EPA administrator won’t return to Obama-era WOTUS rule,” covers EPA Administrator Michael Regan’s comments in the House of Representatives from Feedstuffs. Regan promises stakeholder engagement with farmers to determine new waters of the U.S. rule.
“Cal-Maine Foods acquires remaining interest in Red River Valley Egg Farm,” published in Feedstuffs.
Agriculture’s view on the Biden administration’s preliminary report Conserving and Restoring America the Beautiful is summarized in “Ag groups encouraged by agriculture’s role in 30x30 plan,” from Feedstuffs.
“France develops roadmap to prevent return of avian flu,” summarizes the status of HPAI in other European countries, from Watt Poultry.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has opened a public comment period as explained in “WHO opens consultation on draft food safety strategy,” from Food Safety News.
A major study in the UK concludes there are no easy solutions to feather pecking in “Why a tailored approach is key to good feather cover in layers,” from Farmers Weekly.
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