June 11, 2020
"USDA asked to provide egg producers with CFAP funds," was published in Feedstuffs.
Proterra Partners, a private equity group based in Minneapolis, MN acquired ownership in "Western Milling, Opal Foods sell stake in Central Valley Eggs," from WattAg.
"Pilgrim's Pride CEO and other chicken industry executives indicted for price fixing," by CNBC.
The National Pork Producers Council and the Colorado Pork Producers Council oppose the governor's decision for electronic ballot signatures in "Colorado’s ballot measure similar to Prop 12 under fire,” from Feedstuffs.
Arkansas’ law on unauthorized access to property is challenged in “Appellate review of Arkansas’s new “cause of action” is underway in St. Louis,” from Food Safety News.
Comments from a coalition, including UEP, are provided in “Poultry groups comment on EPA’s stormwater discharge changes,” from Feedstuffs.
USPOULTRY is accepting applications for 2020 Clean Water Awards until June 26.
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For media inquiries or
interview requests, contact Hinda Mitchell.