July 13, 2022
The Egg Industry Center released a technical summary of its report on EPA draft emissions models. A related article, “EIC report questions EPA’s air emissions draft models,” was published in the June 30 United Voices.
The Iowa Supreme Court has overturned a nearly 20-year-old legal precedent. In a split ruling, the court found that legislation passed in 1995 stating animal feeding operations shall not be found to be a public or private nuisance does not violate the Iowa State's constitution's inalienable right clause. Many believe this change will allow animal feeding operations in Iowa to operate more freely within the state. Read more about the case in “Iowa Supreme Court Reverses Itself, Making it Harder to Sue Hog Confinement,” from Successful Farming.
USDA is looking for applicants for its National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics (NAREEE) Advisory Board. Visit the NAREE webpage for more information about the Board, committees, and subcommittees’ roles, specific vacancies and the application process. NAREEE Advisory Board applications are due on July 29.
The U.S. Precision Livestock Farming Conference abstract submission deadline is extended until July 31. The conference format has been expanded to a hybrid event to allow virtual participation. A new session that covers “Commercial PLF Systems and Field Application Experience” has also been added. This session is targeted at industry providers and farmers and requires an abstract submission, but not a full paper. Please visit the conference website to submit an abstract.
In partnership with Australia's national science agency, “Hendrix Genetics to explore sex sorting tech in egg laying industry,” from Agriland.
The Iowa Poultry Association (IPA) and the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota (CEAM) announced that the two organizations would merge starting July 1. See more details at North Central Poultry Associations Formed Between Iowa, Minnesota.
New York’s highest court rules “Happy the elephant is denied personhood, to stay at Bronx Zoo,” published by Reuters.
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interview requests, contact Hinda Mitchell.