Industry Watch 4/26/18

April 26, 2018

In addition to the egg recall, cage-free housing and the resulting controversies continue in the news.

Four UEP members who served on a panel at the Egg Industry Center’s Issues Forum are mentioned in “Cage-free egg production requires 3 to 5 times more labor,” published in WattAgNet.

UEP’s VP of Food Safety, Oscar Garrison is quoted in “Arizona bill gives eggs longer shelf life,” in Feedstuffs.

Cage-Free-Egg Laws Spur Cage Match Between States,” is a thought-provoking article published in the Huffington Post about the divide between customer sentiment and buying behavior and efforts to restrict block states from regulating agricultural products that are also produced in other states.

Humane Farming Association forms ballot committee to defeat egg industry, HSUS, initiative,” details the HFA’s opposition of a ballot initiative to repeal California’s current hen housing law and replace these with UEP Certified Guidelines.

Can We Better Prepare Hens for Cage-Free Living?” outlines the efforts of UC Davis researchers to explore how to reduce bone fractures in cage-free hens.

The scientist who created a pathogen fingerprinting system is featured in “Scientist creates faster way to fingerprint foodborne pathogens,” published in Food Safety News.

Food Navigator published “Eggs should be able to make ‘healthy’ claims based on ‘modern science,’ petition argues,” about Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs petition to the FDA.