December 18, 2017
Articles on the Organic Rule withdrawal appeared in several major publications including the LA Times which quotes UEP, SVP Oscar Garrison.
Challenges to California and Massachusetts hen housing laws were featured in US News, CBS News, Boston Globe and WattAg. “ Hawley takes another crack at the great Missouri egg case,” an editorial from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, provides background on Missouri’s challenges to the California law and associated costs.
The cage-free movement in Mexico is featured in WattsAg’s “Fighting for the veto of cages in egg production.”
WattAG provided an updated on HPAI overseas, “Winter weather brings avian flu back to Europe, Asia.”
Kraft Heinz’s newly released corporate social responsibility plan generated articles in several publications including the Chicago Tribune, “More companies find spending on corporate responsibility increases the bottom line” and Meat+Poultry, “Kraft Heinz brings corporate social responsibility into focus” which include infographics on the companies CSR milestones and commitment to a better supply chain.
The Food Marketing Institute (FMI) Foundation and Animal Agriculture Alliance have been awarded a $50,000 grant to study consumer preferences and willingness to pay for alternative productions practices including cage-free eggs.
Daybreak Foods is expanding in Wisconsin with plans to transition to cage-free production.
“Michigan cage-free bill passes Senate Agriculture Committee,” from WattAg outlines the Michigan Senate agricultural committee’s passage of legislation to delay cage free standards until October, 2025 and quotes UEP’s VP of Animal Welfare, Dr. Larry Sadler on the industry challenges associated with corporate cage-free commitment dates.
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interview requests, contact Hinda Mitchell.