May 23, 2019
At last week’s UEP Legislative Meetings, the UEP Board unanimously passed a motion to approve a new UEP Certified Cage-Free logo. California, Washington, and likely additional states will soon require “all eggs sold to be from hens in cage-free housing and the space allowance in the 2017 UEP Certified Cage Free Guidelines.” The board felt it was important to have a distinct logo for Certified Cage-Free. The following logo was chosen and can be printed in regular, reverse and black and white.
The new logo information has been sent to carton manufacturers. Members are encouraged to begin conversations with customers about using this new logo on packaging. Thank you to the American Egg Board for conducting a comprehensive survey of 600 consumers. The results of this research helped to finalize this logo. A UEP Certified Cage-Free website will be created within the next few months.
For video, photos and other resources, view Resources.
For media inquiries or
interview requests, contact Hinda Mitchell.