March 12, 2020
Registration is open for UEP’s Annual Legislative Meetings, May 20 - May 22, at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. As you know, the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is rapidly evolving. It is important for you to know the UEP staff is closely monitoring this matter. We are cautiously proceeding with plans for this meeting, but we recognize the need to be flexible and prepared. Members are encouraged to register and book hotel rooms, but to delay buying plane tickets. We will make a decision by early to mid-April, based on a full consideration of the recommendations of public health experts.
Meetings begin at 1 PM on Wednesday with Committee Issue Briefings. On Thursday, members will spend the entire day at the Capitol, starting with the Omelet Breakfast at 8 AM, followed by Congressional visits from 10 AM to 5 PM and ending with the UEP Reception at Cornerstone. Friday will begin with distinguished and informative speakers, followed by the UEP Board meeting, which is open to UEP members.
For video, photos and other resources, view Resources.
For media inquiries or
interview requests, contact Hinda Mitchell.