September 5, 2019
Congress is expecting three bills on the floor next week; HR 205 - Protecting and Securing Florida's Coastline Act (Rooney), HR 1941 - Coastal and Marine Economies Protection Act (Cunningham), HR 1146 - Arctic Cultural and Coastal Plain Protection Act (Huffman). Additionally, three gun bills are expected to be marked up in the Judiciary Committee next week and head to the floor late September.
Congress is also expected to work on Excellence Reauthorization (Community Health), however, action may be postponed until later this month. Additional items expected in late September and Fall include NDAA, Election Security, HR 2203 – Escobar CBP Bill, drug pricing, USMCA, tax extenders, National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), HR 1432 – FAIR Act (Arbitration), and FY 2020 appropriations. The Senate will mark up the FY 2020 Ag Appropriations Bill the week of September 16.
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interview requests, contact Hinda Mitchell.