UEP Celebrates 50th Anniversary at Annual Conference

October 25, 2018

Members celebrate achievements, recognize leaders, prepare for the future

Over 500 members and guests celebrated  UEP’s 50th Anniversary at the Annual Conference in Maui, October 15-19.  Events during the week celebrated UEP’s leadership, advocacy, and achievements over the past 50 years.

Special recognition was given to founding members in UEP’s 50th Anniversary Book, which documents the history of the organization.  “We are deeply and forever indebted to those founding members who had the vision and foresight to form the United Egg Producers in October of 1968,” said Brian Barrett, current UEP Chairman of the Board.

Photo:  UEP Chairmen (L to R) David Lathem, Barrie Wilcox, Ron Truex, Gary West, Brian Barrett, Roger Deffner, Bob Krouse, Dolph Baker, Jim Dean

Special guests included eight former Chairmen of the Board and two former UEP Presidents, Al Pope and Gene Gregory. 

Industry omelet icon and Guinness Record Holder Howard Helmer delighted the crowd with his warmth and humor.  Olympic Gold medal winner Joey Cheek shared his inspirational journey from rollerblading in North Carolina to the podium at the 2006 Winter Olympic games.