Why Social Media?

March 7, 2019

Social media is a fast, inexpensive, and effective way to convey UEP’s messages to an audience that is difficult to reach in other ways.

What are the benefits?  Using social media, UEP can:

  • Highlight egg farmers’ positive efforts regarding the environment, food safety and biosecurity.
  • Reach a varied audience of legislators, regulators, ag organizations and industry influencers.
  • Connect with consumers by telling the stories of actual farmers and families involved in egg production.
  • Correct misinformation about the egg industry presented by other organizations.

Why Follow UEP? 

As UEP expands its following on Facebook and Twitter, the number of people reached can grow exponentially.  When someone shares (Facebook) or retweets (Twitter) a UEP post, it is visible to that person’s followers.  Use the links below to get started.

Getting Started on Twitter

Getting Started on Facebook

Subscribe to United Egg Producers on YouTube