World Egg Day is October 12

September 6, 2018

“Protein for Life” is the theme for this year’s World Egg Day which takes place on October 12.  The global campaign will focus on the crucial role that eggs play during each stage of our lives – before birth to age 100+.


International Egg Commission CEO Julian Madeley, explains the objectives of this year’s World Egg Day campaign: “Every member of our industry can help ensure that the whole world is talking about eggs as a valuable source of protein for every life stage. On World Egg Day, we want to generate targeted messages highlighting specific benefits for key consumer groups – from before birth, during the early years, adulthood and into later life. However young or old you are, eggs can have a significant impact as a valuable source of essential protein. By working together collectively, through a range of communication channels, dedicated events, and particularly through social media networks, we aim to reach an even greater audience this year.”

Click here for a World Egg Day Press Packet with key messages that focus on a variety of positive protein messages for a range of audiences and a selection of fascinating egg facts.

for a World Egg Day Press Packet with key messages that focus on a variety of positive protein messages for a range of audiences and a selection of fascinating egg facts.

or a World Egg Day Press Packet with key messages that focus on a variety of positive protein messages for a range of audiences and a selection of fascinating egg facts.