Minnesota drinking water initiatives target agriculture

August 1, 2024

In April 2023, EPA received a Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) emergency petition from environmental groups regarding the southeast karst region (a landscape of sinkholes, sinking streams, caves, springs) of the state. Environmental groups claimed that nitrate contamination in public water systems and underground sources of drinking water is causing an imminent and substantial endangerment to public health. In November 2023, EPA Region 5 requested Minnesota develop a work plan to identify, contact, test drinking water, and offer alternative water to all impacted persons in the karst region of the state.

The SDWA petition and EPA Region 5's response to it has caused multiple agencies in Minnesota to take action focused on nitrates and shallow groundwater. Work within the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) should be of particular interest to UEP members both inside and outside the state of Minnesota.  Despite the regional focus of the SDWA petition, MPCA is proposing changes to its two permits that regulate the state's largest livestock operations. The proposed changes to the permits not only have a sweeping impact across the state, but they also impact row crop farmers who use manure as a nutrient source and not just the livestock operations themselves. The proposed permit actions are currently available for public comment, the deadline for which was just extended until Sept. 3. It is also important to note that MPCA has indicated to stakeholders that additional rulemaking activities will occur after the conclusion of the permitting efforts to address even more components of MPCA rules regarding animal agriculture. View additional information on the EPA efforts here. For additional efforts on MPCA efforts, click here.