January 12, 2018
Chad Gregory, UEP President and CEO, attended President Donald Trump’s speech at the 2018 American Farm Bureau Annual Convention in Nashville, Tennessee on January 8. Trump outlined the benefits for farmers of the new tax bill which includes immediate equipment write offs and estate tax roll backs. He also spoke about rescinding the Waters of the United States Rule. During his speech, Trump signed an executive order to provide better access to broadband internet service for rural communities. Click here for a transcript of President Trump’s remarks or see 7 quotes from President Trump to Farm Bureau from Watt Ag.
During the convention, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, presented the findings of the Interagency Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity which identified over 100 recommendations to help improve life in rural America. Click here to access the USDA Rural Prosperity website which includes access to the Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity Report and a link for farmers and producers to report burdensome regulations.
For video, photos and other resources, view Resources.
For media inquiries or
interview requests, contact Hinda Mitchell.