December 11, 2018
Atlanta, Georgia, December 11, 2018: The below statement is attributable to Chad Gregory, President and CEO of United Egg Producers regarding the release of the new Waters of the United States rule.
“United Egg Producers and the nation’s egg farmers welcome today’s proposed rule on defining what are Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) under the Clean Water Act. We are grateful to U.S. EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers for their efforts to craft a common-sense rule that clearly defines what waters are subject to federal jurisdiction.
“For over 20 years, the question of what are Waters of the U.S. under federal law has been the subject of litigation and confusing regulatory interpretations. The resulting lack of clarity has forced egg producers, like many in agriculture, to spend significant funds on outside experts simply to determine which waters are under federal jurisdiction, which waters are under state jurisdiction, and what is permissible on their farmland.
“Bodies of water, even those that are not subject to federal jurisdiction, are still well protected under the law. The Clean Water Act was explicitly designed to preserve the primary role of the states in protecting water quality. Waters that aren’t deemed a WOTUS are still protected by the states, which provide robust regulatory guidelines for their local waterways and drinking water systems that are enforced by multiple state agencies.
“Egg producers are committed to protecting the land and water in the communities where they live and work. To achieve this goal, farmers need a federal rule that can be followed without confusion. We look forward to providing comments on this proposed rule and supporting identifiable, common-sense standards to ensure the protection of lakes, rivers, and streams on U.S. farms.”
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