Industry News 4/7/22

April 7, 2022

The Chair of UEP’s Scientific Advisory Committee, Dr. Janice Swanson, speaking at the 2022 Midwest Poultry Federation (MPF) Convention, addressed issues raised by producers in “The US cage-free transition – what’s unknown,” published by

Herbruck’s Poultry Farm released its 2022 Sustainability Report stating, “US Herbruck’s on track to hit 100% cage-free goal by 2024,” from

Cal-Maine Foods investing $82M on cage-free production,” was published in Feedstuffs.

Dr. Darren Karch, a member of UEP’s Food Safety Council,  is leading a research team in “Through the hen´s eyes: $1 million grant to improve cage-free housing for egg-laying,” from Poultry Industry.

An Oregon ballot initiative that proposed a ban on certain animal husbandry practices failed to gather enough signatures to be included in the November elections is discussed in “Oregon animal initiative likely postponed until 2024,” from Feedstuffs.

After a ban on agrochemicals, “Sri Lanka’s Organic Experiment Went Very, Very Wrong,” from Modern Farmer.